domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

What are the differences between the tones in Oslo and Bergen?

As a general idea:
In Norwegian, 1-syllable words have the tone 1, and 2-syllable words the tone 2 (and when you add the article to the word, the tone is kept). Tone1 is falling in the stressed syllable, and low in the next, unstressed syllable in Western and Northern Norway; while in Central, Southeastern, Eastern, and Southern Norway (including Oslo) it is raising in the stressed syllable and is kept high in the next, unstressed syllable; Tone2 is raising+falling in W. and N. Norway (raising in the stressed syllable, and falling in the next one), while it is falling-raising in C/SE Norway/Oslo, meaning: falling in the stressed syllable, and raising in the next, unstressed syllable)...
Tone 1: bil: bìlen in Bergen, bílēn in Oslo; 
Tone 2: kvinne: kvínnèn in Bergen, kvìnnén in Oslo.

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