jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

Which nouns used in ''Teach yourself Norwegian'' course can get a feminine form?

These are the nouns used in Teach Yourself Norwegian course (2004) which can be treated as feminine (at least in the definite form), according to Bokmålsordboka,

(the English article was left out to save some space, but you should interpret it as:
boka= book---> ei/en bok---> boka/boken):

01 adressa = address; 02 avisa = newspaper; 03 badstua = sauna; 04 befolkninga = population; 05 bleia = nappy, diaper; 06 blusa = blouse; 07 bløtkaka = gateau, cake; 08 boka = book; 09 bokhylla = bookshelf; 10 bomulla = cotton; 11 brua = bridge; 12 brygga = quay, jetty; 13 buksa = trousers; 14 bygninga = building; 15 bøtta = bucket; 16 dama = lady; 17 dronninga = queen; 18 døra = door; 19 dørklokka = doorbell; 20 eggerøra = scrambled eggs; 21 eplesafta = apple juice; 22 erfaringa = experience; 23 eska = box; 24 farmora = grandmother; 25 fartsgrensa = speed limit; 26 ferja = ferry; 27 festninga = castle; 28 flaska = bottle; 29 forretninga = business; 30 framtida = future; 31 fritida = leisure; 32 frukta = (kind of) fruit; 33 gardina = curtain; 34 gata = street; 35 grønnsaka = vegetable; 36 historia = history, story; 37 hjelpa = help; 38 hodepina = headache; 39 hostesafta = cough medicine/syrup; 40 hovedgata = main street; 41 hytta = cotage; 42 hånda = hand; 43 jakka = coat/jacket; 44 jenta = girl; 45 jorda = earth; 46 jula = Christmas; 47 julekaka = Christmas cake; 48 julinga = beating, hiding; 49 kaka = cake; 50 katta = cat; 51 kirka = church; 52 kirkeklokka = church bell; 53 klokka = clock; 54 kona = wife; 55 krona = unite of Norwegian currency; 56 kusina = female cousin; 57 kvitteringa = receipt; 58 kåpa = overcoat; 59 lammeste(i)ka = rost lamb; 60 lammeulla = lambswool; 61 leiligheta = flat; 62 lua = cap; 63 lufta = air; 64 matpakka = packet meal; 65 melka = milk; 66 midnatta = midnight; 67 mora = mother; 68 moroa = fun; 69 muligheta = possibility; 70 molta = cloudberry; 71 natta = night; 72 nesa = nose; 73 niesa = niece; 74 nista = packet meal; 75 ordlista = word list; 76 parafinlampa = parrafin lamp; 77 pilla = pille; 78 plikta = duty; 79 poteta = potato; 80 pølsa = sausage; 81 påska = Easter; 82 regninga = bill; 83 reka = prawn; 84 safta = juice; 85 senga = bed; 86 sida = site; 87 silda = herring; 88 skia = ski; 89 skjea = spoon; 90 skjorta = shirt; 91 skoletida = school time; 92 skuldra = shoulder; 93 sola = sun; 94 stripa = stripe; 95 strømpa = stocking; 96 strømpebuksa = tights; 97 stua = living room; 98 sykesenga = hospital bed; 99 synda = pity; 100 søstra = sister; 101 tanta = aunt; 102 tida = time; 103 trusa = pants; 104 trøya = vest; 105 tåa = toe; 106 tåra = tear; 107 uka = week; 108 ulla = wool; 109 ulykka = accident; 110 underbuksa = underpants; 111 utsikta = view; 112 utstillinga = exhibition; 113 venninna = female friend; 114 åpningstida = opening time; 115 årsaka = reason; 116 årstida = season

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